Learn More About Creating Local Offers
Now in the first module of this offline marketing course, I talked about
corporate offerings working with local businesses and I want to go into
more depth on that in this video. Now, the great thing about corporates
and businesses is you have attention, there's eyes. And quite often
businesses are very keen to have more wellbeing initiatives in their
business supporting the wellbeing of their staff.
So this gives us opportunity and businesses will always want to work with local people and support local trainers. So if you're a local personal trainer or nutritionist or massage therapist or whatever, it doesn't matter, what could you offer a local business that could make them think, do you know what, I'd be great if we did this for the next six weeks in our business and provided a little bit of a health boost to our employees.
So this gives us opportunity and businesses will always want to work with local people and support local trainers. So if you're a local personal trainer or nutritionist or massage therapist or whatever, it doesn't matter, what could you offer a local business that could make them think, do you know what, I'd be great if we did this for the next six weeks in our business and provided a little bit of a health boost to our employees.
Making Local Offers
There's a big business in the middle of our local town, it's a big
insurance firm. I think there's about 115 people last time I talked to
someone at that insurance firm. That's quite a lot of people, 115.
So you could go into that insurance firm and say,
So you could go into that insurance firm and say,
Hey, I'm a local trainer. I've just set up a six week wellbeing program and I'm not charging a lot for it because I'll be really honest, I'm a new local trainer. I really want to get myself out there. So to me, it's really important for me to market myself.
So I'm doing this at what I feel is really, really good value and I'd love to be able to speak to maybe your HR department or someone that makes the decisions around wellness programs in your business."
And you can sit down with this person and say:
What I'd love to do is I'd love to come into your business three days a week. I'm going to come in Monday, Wednesday, and Friday lunchtime and I'm going to do a 30 minute stretch and breathing and movement class.
It's not designed for a workout but it's designed to make people feel good, relax, move, open up their chest, breathe, just feel good about themselves and just get a little bit of movement and a sweat on, but no one wants to get too sweaty at lunchtime quite often.
And then after that, you're going to do a nutrition Q and A where everyone can eat their lunch.
So what you're doing here is you're enabling a really soft entry into the business. You're not doing anything hardcore. You're not doing anything to alienate yourself from the staff and they don't have to make more time for their lunch because sometimes with these initiatives, people feel like, oh, well, if you're coming in and doing an hours exercise with us, when am I going to eat my lunch? When am I going to get showered?
Let's say over the course of six weeks, you get 20 of those employees into your sessions every lunchtime. What's the chances that three, four, five, six of those people decide that, I like this trainer, I think this trainer can help me. I've been wanting to lose a bit of way and feel good for a while. I've been impressed with their sessions. I'm going to get in touch with this person.
Why It Works
Remember marketing is about getting yourself in front of people, being
able to have a conversation over time to build trust. So if you can put
together a massage package, a wellness program, a mindset course, a
movement course, a boot camp, and you can go to all these local
businesses, you can spend a whole day, get in your car, drive around
town, have all these conversations. And if you could get two or three
local businesses or corporates involved, what would that do for your
business? It could probably really, really, help grow it.